Hey friend, I'm Diane...
Screenwriter, Director, Mentor
I'm here to show you the way to your dream life. Let's have some fun!
I know what it's like to feel a calling to a more creative life - but also feel terrified to trust it.
I was there....

All my life, I wanted to be an artist...
But throughout my 20's I was terrified of actually writing what was in my heart. I was worried I wasn't talented enough, that I'd left it too late, that I didn't have a unique voice. I worried that even if I did write something, I'd never get it out there. I didn't know the right people.
But eventually, I did the inner work...
I committed to a deep practice of yoga, meditation, creative visualization, and healing.
I wrote my first screenplay. Within one year of completing it, I sold it to a reputable LA producer (even though I previously knew no one in the US film industry) and was soon hired for my first screenwriting job, rewriting a script for the legendary director of DIE HARD.
I realized that what had blocked me all along wasn't a lack of talent or ability - but my beliefs and subconscious programming.
Even though I'd done the inner work to break free as an artist, I continued to believe that money was evil and that people who wanted it were greedy and shallow.
I was the typical artist/spiritual type who felt superior to people who wanted money. I felt proud of the fact that I didn't care about money - I cared about love, creativity, freedom!
The result was even though I often felt abundant in many ways, I never had money or financial security.
When I became a mom for the second time at the age of 45, not having money didn't feel so free anymore.
I decided to apply everything I knew about doing inner work to change my outer reality.
Within a matter of a few short years, I'd totally rewritten my money story.
I've built a multi-6 figure online business doing what I love.
I've fulfilled my dream of moving back to Spain with my family. We were able to buy our dream home with epic views of the Mediterranean -
All because I was willing to do the work.
I know that EVERYTHING you dream of is possible, but I also know it doesn't happen by accident.
You have to decide.
And then you have to do what it takes.
If you're ready to claim your dream life, I'm here to help you. It's what I live for.

I know what it is to have big dreams - and to fear that they will never come true.
I also know intimately the work it takes to slay inner doubt and overcome the conditioning that tells us that what we are dreaming is too big.
I've devoted myself to uncovering and mastering the secrets to creating epic, seemingly impossible results in our life -
And now I live for sharing those secrets with YOU.
Everything you dream of IS possible - but you have to believe and you have to take action.
Ready to take action
Download the Free Guide:
Why Your Dreams Aren't Manifesting - And What to Do About It
Download your free Ebook today and learn exactly what's blocking you (guaranteed it's not what you think).