This is for the creatrix who is ready to FLY.

You're an artist, creative or soul-led entrepreneur who is doing good, who has come so far -

but who also knows there's a whole OTHER level that you want to be on.

If you're honest, you're kind of frustrated that you're not "there" yet because:

  • You show up.
  • You do the inner work - and the outer work.
  • Being accountable is not an issue.
  • Not to mention: you're freaking outstanding at what you do.

And yet: somehow you're not reaching the level of success that you know you're meant for.

  • Your work isn't having the impact it should. 
  • It's not reaching the audience it deserves.
  • Your bank account isn't reflecting your level of commitment or brilliance.

Sometimes you wonder what you're missing.   

And honestly, you even have moments where you just want to throw the towel in - but you can't because your soul calls you to this work.


- feeling a level of confidence in yourself and your work that is unwavering so that you unleash your true creative voice and make bank from being YOU

- every time you unleash a new offer in the world, you have people pulling out their credit cards and begging to pay you 

- receiving an overflow of cash money for the work you put out into the world (AKA: goodbye underearning and burning out!)

- knowing you have a clear actionable system and framework to make money while doing while you sleep

- you feel genuinely lit up by your life, how you spend your days, and by the work you do while being abundantly paid for it 

overturning the paradigm of "always just enough" and entering the paradigm of "effortless overflow forever"

- claiming your birthright as a magical, free, wild and abundant woman and being an example of what is possible to other women (because we TOGETHER WE FREAKING RISE)

It's time to stop settling for good results...

To reconnect with the source of your power and become THE ONE in your industry that everyone is naturally magnetized by...

To refine your offerings so that they flow from your soul AND are strategically designed to sell easily and in abundance (without having to add more to your calendar or buring out)...

To uplevel the way you're showing up in the world and to talk about your work in a way that creates a quantum leap in your results.

You're done with your "hustle + grind + settle for less" era and ready to step into your "alignment + flow + receive your millions"  era.

You're ready to become a Millionaire Creatrix.


Over the next six months, we will meet in intimate group zooms 2x per month.  

You'll get my eyes on your business and career, and the support and hands-on guidance you need to skyrocket it.

I bring my 5+ years experience building + scaling my online business from zero to $750k cash received (and counting)...

Growing my Instagram account by 9000 followers this year alone...

As well as:

- selling multiple screenplays in Hollywood

-making movies that have premiered at Festivals like Tribeca and Sundance 

- writing and publishing a Amazon bestselling book 

I know how to create quantum leaps in life - and I want to guide you to do it too.

Call times: 1st and 3rd Wed of each month 6pm Barcelona / 12pm NYC/ 9am LA

You will have access to a group Telegram channel in between zooms to mastermind with other Creatrixes.  

You will receive Millionairess Monday audio drops from me in the Telegram group every week.  These will give you activations, motivation, and inspiration - as well as strategies, techniques, and actionable refinements to integrate to keep you on track.

You will be guided on the Millionaire Creatrix Journey, focusing on the 4 pillars that will create your massive transformation -

1) MILLIONAIRESS MINDSET - This is the foundation of it ALL.  Who you are being, what you are thinking, how you are feeling is what determines your results.  You will  upgrade your mindset through proven techniques and be guided in shifting into (and holding) a million-dollar frequency that magnetizes and matches your biggest dreams. 

2) MILLIONAIRESS OFFERINGS - When you create the offerings you were born to create (whether it's art, scripts, books or your online courses and offers) and they are truly aligned with your authentic purpose and soul calling, you create the aligned foundation to massive success. However, there's another piece: giving value to your audience and the world. When you balance these, through refinement and strategy, you'll skyrocket your results and that's what you will learn to do in the Millionaire Creatrix Collective.

3) MILLIONAIRESS VOICE - You will learn to sell your work (and yourself as THE ONE in your industry) with next-level clarity, conviction and confidence.  Tapping into your Millionaire Creatrix identity and understanding your soul's purpose, you will learn my Magnetic Millionaress Messaging system for drawing in your dreamiest clients, collaborators and opportunities. 

4) MILLIONAIRESS MAGIC - quantum leaps don't happen by being in the energy of "predictable". This is why we ignite your powers as a Creatrix to manifest results that literally don't make sense.  Expect rituals, meditations, activations and invocations that anchor you in your power.  YOU ARE MAGIC and the Millionaire Creatrix Collective will tap you into your source to create your dreams. 

By rigorously applying these 4 pillars with discernment and guidance, you will 10x your results.


BONUS #1:  you will have access to my Vault of masterclasses and programs that will help you thrive.  

This includes signature programs like THE AIM ACADEMY (to master manifestation) and THE FREEDOM FORMULA (to build and scale your own online biz) (value: $10k +)

BONUS #2:  access to EVERY NEW PROGRAM or LIVE CLASS that I share during our time together.

I have a ton of incredible things planned for the coming months - you will be locked into ALL of it AT NO EXTRA COST.

If you are ready to go ALL IN to evolve into the Millionaire Creatrix you were born to be, this is the Collective you are meant to be a part of.

Let's unlock your millions through magic together.

As a recap, you get:

- 6 months of mentorship and guidance via 2x group zooms each month

- Telegram channel with other Creatrixes

- Weekly Millionairess Monday audio drops to keep you on track

- Access to the Vault of programs to help you thrive including: The Aim Academy, The Freedom Formula, The Reinvention Retreat, The Abundant Artist, Quantum Leap and MORE.

 - Access to ALL live and new classes and programs I share while you are a member


PLEASE NOTE: we cannot guarantee any results.  You acknowledge that you are the one who is fully responsible for the results you create.  There are no refunds and payment plans must be completed.  Includes all new programs + live classes but not any additional masterminds. For full terms + conditions: CLICK HERE


$555.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases