The revolution has begun!


Registration has ended for THE CREATRIX CODES.

This experience is for you if you are ready to remember who you really are, to heal and transform the wounds and conditioning that have held you back - and to fully become the woman you know you were born to be.

Click below to be the first to know when the doors open again.

Join The Waitlist

As part of  THE UPRISING, you will...

  • Learn what's been holding you back this entire time - and exactly what to do about it
  • Remember who you really are and what you are here for
  • Reconnect with your true power so that you feel nourished and your cup refilled.
  • Identify and release patterns that are not serving you 
  • Master a powerful technique you can use anywhere to amplify your radiance and energy and strengthen your nervous system
  • Experience a profound activation that will shift you energetically into your true power
  • Connect with a sisterhood that lifts you up 
  • And so much more!

My goal is that you will complete these sessions feeling more ALIVE and POWERFUL than ever before, because when a woman's inner light it turned on, she becomes unstoppable.

A message from Diane


There are big shifts happening in the world right now.

Climate change.  The war in the Ukraine.  Rising costs of living.

The old paradigms are falling apart - and while this can feel frightening, it's also a time when a new earth is being birthed.

After thousands of years of the dominance of the patriarchy and the denigration of the feminine, the Goddess is reawakening.

As female artists and visionaries, we play a vital role in this transition - 

It's time for us to reclaim our true power, remember who we really are, and to rise the f*ck up.

When you reconnect with YOUR power, you will inevitably start living to your fullest potential -

unlocking limitless abundance and  massive impact -

and even better: you will be contributing to the rebalancing and the healing of Gaia, Mother Earth. 

The revolution starts now.  

It starts with you, with me, with us together.

It's time to rise.

xo Diane